Why Impact Doors Are Just As Important As Impact Windows

Impact DoorsWhen many homeowners invest in impact glass for their home, the first thing that comes to mind is impact windows and protecting the interior of their home.  This is especially true in South Florida where hurricane season can become extremely dangerous and the last thing you want is a flood inside your home.

But did you know, impact doors are just as important and have a lot of additional benefits within themselves? Here are just a few:

Help During Big Storms

During a Hurricane with winds of 100 plus miles per hour, rain doesn’t only hit into windows of the home. They also hit into the door and have the potential to tear it wide open. By investing in and installing impact doors in your home can help prevent additional damage to the home. That’s because impact doors are engineered to withstand heavy winds, rain and potential flying objects such as outdoor furniture. You for sure have a much better chance withstanding the elements with them compared to without them.

Make It Tougher on Burglars

Not only will an impact door withstand a big storm, it will also make it much harder for burglars to break-in and rob your home. That new peace-of-mind is worth the investment in itself!

Turn The Volume Down

Whether you live near a highway or just on a busy road with a lot of loud neighbors, an impact door can help reduce outside noise. That is because impact doors are built with superior insulation which can help dramatically reduce the amount of exterior sound that can potentially come into your home.

Save Some Green

Impact doors are music to the ears of insurance companies and many insurance companies will offer major discounts to homeowners that add features such as impact doors to their home. Be sure to speak to an insurance agent ahead of time though as there may be certain qualifications that need to be met before you are eligible for the discount.

Impact doors are a no-brainer for so many reasons. For additional questions and a quote for your home, contact A2Z Impact Windows and Doors at 943-302-1800.

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